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Calling Nature Lovers

Calling Nature Lovers


Calling Nature Lovers 자연애호가들

2023.05.13(Sat) - 2023.11.26(Sun)



현대 도시사회를 살아가는 사람들이 자연을 즐기고 사랑하며 관계맺는 여러 방식들을 조명하는 전시
참여작가ㅣ 베리띵즈, nokia_ssd, 모야모

파주 헤이리예술마을에 위치한 블루메미술관이 개관 10주년 연구년을 가진 후 새로운 미션을 제시하는 전시로 디자인 크리에이티브 그룹 베리띵즈와 함께 현대도시인들이 자연과 관계 맺는 다양한 방식들을 조명한다.
정원이 자연을 향한 하나의 창이 될 수 있음을 말해온 블루메미술관이 지평을 넓혀 동시대 사람과 자연의 모습을 살피며 읽어낸 것은 우리는 여전히, 그리고 전에 없던 방식으로 자연과 연결되고자 한다는 것이다. 우리가 환경운동가나 전문 조경인, 자연을 연구하는 탐험가가 아니더라도 크고 작은 일상의 단위에서 자연을 즐기는 형태가 삶의 방식에 펼쳐지고 있다. 자연을 배경으로 사진을 찍고, 자연이 잘 꾸려진 공간을 찾아가 시간을 보내고, 인테리어를 완성할 식물을 선택하고, 과일을 고를 때 예쁜 빛깔에 감탄하며, 어제와 다른 오늘의 하늘 모습을 소장하듯 우리는 이미 자연을 나름의 방식들로 즐기며 그것에 대한 호기심에 흥미를 느낀다. 이런 우리들 만의 ‘가까운 자연’을 즐기는 모습은 독특한 인식과 경험을 대변하며 자연에 대한 새로운 시각을 만들어 내고 있다.
<Calling Nature Lovers>전시는 이처럼 오늘날 자연과 작은 접점을 만들며 살아가는 다양한 모습들을 모아보고자 한다. 사각프레임에 이미지의 형태로 자연을 수집, 소유, 활용, 소통하는 손안의 카메라 속 자연들을 모두 모아보면 ‘세상에 없던 식물원’을 만들 수 있음을 베리띵즈는 영상설치작품을 통해 보여주며, 노키아 에스에스디의 사운드 디자인 오브제는 자연 안에서 풍경을 눈으로 보기보다 귀로 듣는, 진동과 파동으로 자연과의 만남을 즐기는 이들의 삶의 한장면을 담아낸다.
식물을 보면 그 이름을 먼저 묻는 이들이 디지털 공간에 자연을 관찰, 기록하고 실시간으로 자연에 대한 호기심에 서로 답하는 ‘모야모’ 같은 온라인 플랫폼에서 또다른 동시대 자연풍경을 그려내고 있다. 책속에서 자연을 더 깊고 진하게 만나는 이들도 있다. 과학서적에서, 에세이에서, 감각적인 잡지에서 우리는 언어를 통해 또 다른 자연속을 산책하고 이해하며 공감한다.
미술관의 자연공간에서는 음악이 흐른다. 미니멀에서 엠비언트 음악까지 일상 소리풍경의 하나로 존재하는 배경 같은 음악들이다. 풍경에 음악이 겹쳐지며 자연은 서로 다른 마음의 장면으로 기억될 것이다. 사운드 디자이너가 연출한 이 공간은 BGM을 통해 자연이 수만가지 모습으로 각자의 일상에 끊임없이 환기되고 있음을 말한다.
블루메미술관의 또다른 10년의 비전을 담는 이 전시는 늘 보고 듣고 생활하는 하루하루의 장에 크고 작은 점들로 존재하는 자연과의 관계를 말한다. 기후위기로 자연은 다시 거대한 문제의 대상으로 우리를 압도하고 있다. 자연이 거시세계로 넘어가려 할 때 매일의 삶과 이분화될 수 없는 자연과의 존재방식을 다시 생각할 필요가 있다. 이 전시는 거대한 자연과 연결되기 위한 기초과정과도 같은, 자연을 향한 영감과 감수성의 시작점을 소통하고자 한다.


We still want to connect with nature in a way never before experienced
Participating artistsㅣVerythings, nokia_ssd, Moyamo

The Blume Museum of Contemporary Art unveils an exhibition to present its new mission as an art museum connected with nature,having a study year in celebration of its 10th anniversary. The museum, in collaboration with the design creative group Verythings,sheds light on various ways in which contemporary urban dwellers enter into a relationship with nature. The art museum has beenadvocating that a garden can serve as a window into nature, allowing observation of both contemporary life and the natural world.What has become evident is our enduring desire to establish an unprecedented and profound connection with nature. Even if we arenot environmental activists, professional landscape architects, or nature explorers, we can enjoy nature in our daily lives. We havealready found joy in nature in various ways – capturing it as a picturesque backdrop in our photos, spending time in well-designedspaces, selecting plants to enhance our interiors, admiring the vibrant colors of fruits, and appreciating the ever-changing sky fromday to day. Such aspects of our own ‘intimate nature’ have been creating new perspectives toward nature, representing a uniqueperception and experience.Calling Nature Lovers is an art exhibition designed to bring together the multitude of ways people engage with and experience naturein their lives. Verythings showcases the gaze of those who see, capture, and imagine nature. The group denotes in their videoinstallation that we can create a 'botanical garden that has not existed in the world' by gathering our ways to collect, possess, utilize,and communicate nature in the form of images in a square frame. It collages various human perspectives towards nature: nature asscenery, nature to be cultivated, nature to be explored, and nature to be eaten. This virtual botanical garden can be experienced lyingon a mattress. This mattress is an object in human life and is temporally closer to night than day, and suggests the natural world,such as the night and the universe that cannot be seen by the naked eye. The group presents the figuration of microscopic organismsthat can be seen with the help of a microscope or tiny pieces on the mattress that are created by the imagination. Verythings wittilydemonstrates a variety of ways for humanity to see and enjoy nature and form a connection with it.Sound designer Nokia_ssd captures scenes from the lives of those who enjoy encounters with nature through vibrations and waves,engaging with nature through their sense of hearing rather than their sense of sight. The sound design object he created serves asboth a representation of how humans hear sound and an illustrative portrayal of the sounds emitted by nature. It functions as both areflector, diffusing sound and an absorber, assimilating it. Just as different sounds are heard respectively in a needleleaf-tree forestand a broadleaf-tree forest, Nokia_ssd examines the sound effects made by trees, grass, and stones and experiences the nature thatexists as the backdrop of everyday life through sound. In line with the title of the artwork, Mobile Tre, which signifies three pieces offurniture, stands in the space as the unassumingly positioned table and the screen-like fence structure in our daily life. In thisarrangement, an atmosphere of repetitive rhythms of a minimalistic musical composition flows evocative of wind and water flows.When one comes across some natural object, one might be curious about its name, much like meeting a new person. Contemporarynatural landscapes are being explored on online platforms like Moyamo, where users can observe and record natural objects in adigital space and respond to each other’s curiosity about nature in real time. If you take a photograph of a flower, a tree, or grass youare curious about, you can upload it on this app. You can then receive an answer to your query in just a few seconds. The frequencywith which people inquire about specific plant names within a given week determines their ranking as real-time search terms,resulting in data values such as search volume on online portals. The green collective intelligence of more than 1 million peoplegathered on Moyamo shows that we perceive the four seasons and experience nature in a different way.Some people engage in profound and contemplative interactions with nature through literature. Even if we don't physically traversenatural landscapes, we can still explore a vast and intricate realm of nature previously unseen in the pages of a book, conveyedthrough human language, and subsequently emerge from it. We have the opportunity to embark on a journey, comprehend, andempathize with an alternative realm of nature through the medium of printed materials. This includes scientific literature, texts thaturge practical actions, and magazines that vividly portray fashionable nature, among other things.Music flows in the natural space of the museum. From minimal to ambient music, this is background music forming a dailysoundscape. As music overlaps with the landscape, nature will be remembered as a scene in different minds. This space crafted bysound designer Nokia_ssd emphasizes that nature is consistently invoked in the daily lives of each individual as a multitude of imagesthrough background music.This exhibition, which features the museum’s vision for the next 10 years, refers to the relation with nature that exists as large andsmall dots in the field of daily life in which we see, hear, and live. With the climate crisis, nature again overwhelms us as a hugeproblem. When nature is about to move into the macroscopic world, it is necessary to reconsider how we can exist with nature thatcannot be separated from everyday life. This exhibition is conceived as a starting point for cultivating inspiration and sensitivitytoward nature, serving as a fundamental step to establish a connection with the vastness of the natural world.